Do Meditation With A Mindful Bracelet
Let's give an example of mindfulness meditation. It is specifically centered around our Salvation Jade Bracelet:
Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Feel the air filling your lungs and then gently leaving your body, bringing a sense of calm and relaxation.

Connecting with the Bracelet

Begin by holding the Salvation Jade Bracelet in your hands. Feel the smoothness of the white jade and the texture of the green jade and sandalwood beads. Gently run your fingers over each bead, noting the sensations and textures.

Setting the Intention

Set your intention for this meditation. It could be seeking wisdom inner peace, or spiritual growth. As you hold this unique bracelet, feel this intention flowing from your heart into the bracelet, infusing it with your energy and purpose.

The Meaning of Three

Remember that in Buddhism, the number "three" has a profound meaning, representing the Threefold Training: Sila (morality), Dhyana (concentration and meditation), and Prajna (wisdom). With this in mind, let us focus on these three essential practices.

Sila (Morality)


Hold the mindfulness bracelet in your left hand and gently touch the green jade bead. Reflect on sila, the practice of morality. Consider the importance of ethical behavior and how it is the foundation of your spiritual journey. Imagine the green jade bead glowing with a soft, calming light, filling you with a sense of moral clarity and purpose. Breathe in this light and allow it to purify your thoughts and actions.

Dhyana (Concentration and Meditation)


Go to the sandalwood bead. Sandalwood, known for its grounding properties, represents Dhyana. Focus on your breath and bring your attention inward. Feel the bead in your hand and allow it to anchor your mind. As you inhale, imagine drawing in calmness and concentration. As you exhale, let go of any distractions or restlessness. Imagine the sandalwood bead radiating a serene energy that enhances your meditative focus.

Prajna (Wisdom)

Move to the second green jade bead. Reflect on Prajna, the practice of wisdom. Wisdom comes from deep meditation and moral integrity. As you touch this bead, visualize it shining with a bright, insightful light. Breathe in this light and allow it to fill your mind with clarity and understanding. Feel this wisdom integrating into your being, guiding your thoughts and actions with insight and compassion.

Strumming the Beads


Begin to strum the beads with your fingers one by one, starting with the white jade bead and moving through the green jade and sandalwood beads. As you strum each bead, focus on its unique texture and energy. Feel the bead under your finger, grounding you in the present moment. As you continue to strum, imagine your moods and worries rolling away with each bead, slowly calming you down and bringing you back to the real world.

Harmonizing the Elements


Continue this process with the remaining beads: touching each bead one at a time, reflecting on its meaning, and breathing in its unique energy. With each breath, feel the harmonizing combination of white jade, green jade and sandalwood working together to bring balance and spiritual growth into your life.

Embrace the Journey


Now gently hold the entire Mindful Bracelet in both hands, feeling the combined energies of all the beads. Observe the harmonious blend of sila, dhyana and prajna. This unique bracelet is more than a piece of charms; it is a powerful talisman for your spiritual journey. Feel its presence strengthening you and reminding you of your path to enlightenment.

Final Meditation

Take a few more deep breaths, feeling gratitude for the wisdom and peace this meditation has brought into your life. When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes. Look again at the Mindfulness Bracelet and acknowledge it as a symbol of your commitment to spiritual growth and inner peace.


Let it guide you to serenity and wisdom in your daily life by wearing the Salvation Jade Bracelet every day.

There are also several other choices for your meditation bracelet, come have a look and choose the one for you!


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